来认识一下贝博体彩app的女性开拓者 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
黄昏时分的贝博体彩app科伊特塔, with lighted streets before it and the San Francisco Bay behind it.
屁股塔 is an iconic fixture of San Francisco's Telegraph Hill neighborhood.


Get to know these women trailblazers from San Francisco's past and present.

自淘金热以来,贝博体彩app一直是人们扬名立万的地方. 但你知道吗,在我们城市的许多打破界限的人中,有很多是女性? 了解一下这些来自贝博体彩app过去和现在的女性开拓者,然后走出去 看看哪里可以体验 他们今天的遗产.

Maya Angelou

你认识那位诗人兼作家. 玛雅·安杰洛曾经是贝博体彩app人 有轨电车 operator, one of the first African-American women to hold that job? 当她的申请被拒绝时, she sat in their office every day for two weeks until she was hired.


著名的雕刻家, 露丝·阿泽最伟大的遗产, 除了她的艺术作品, was the creation of the San Francisco School of the 艺术. She was a trailblazer for minority women in the world of modern art. Her wire-based works are on display in major museums across the country. There are also plenty right here in town at the de Young Museum. 



In 2018, 伦敦的品种, 一个土生土长的贝博体彩app人, became the first African-American woman elected as mayor of San Francisco. Mayor Breed had long been a community and government leader in the City by the Bay, first as the executive director of the African-American Art & 文化中心,后来成为市监事会成员并最终成为市监事会主席.


这位三次托尼奖得主和奥斯卡提名者在贝博体彩app长大,至今仍是这座城市最受欢迎的居民之一, 即使在她死后. 她毕业的贝博体彩app洛厄尔高中的剧院就是以她的名字命名的.


不敬的, 富有洞察力的, 而且令人捧腹大笑, 玛格丽特·曹 has starred in her own ABC sitcom, as well as headlined comedy clubs across the United States. Her life began in San Francisco, growing up in the 任务的区 and watching her father run a gay bookstore on Polk St. 在七八十年代.


如果她的姓听起来很熟悉, it's because Lillie was the benefactor for the construction of San Francisco's 屁股塔. 一个真正的开拓者, 穿着男性化的服装,如裤子,早在它们被女性所接受之前, she kept herself close to the city's rough and tumble action. Becoming the "patron saint" of San Francisco firefighters, she made assisting and aiding the fire department a lifelong commitment.


The first female chef in the United States to receive 3 米其林星星 多米尼克·格伦(多米尼克•Crenn)的Atelier Crenn餐厅提升了贝博体彩app湾区的时尚水平 吃饭的场景 献给世界上最优秀的医生之一. 她备受赞誉的酒吧, 酒吧Crenn, 也获得了米其林第一颗星, making this chef's establishments some of the hottest in the city. 在她的视野中毫不妥协, with poetic menus and conceptual flavor profiles, 她现在被公认为坚定地奉献自己作为厨师和商业领袖的身份.

Vicki Manalo drive

In 1948, 维姬·马纳洛·德拉夫斯成为第一位在一届奥运会上获得两枚金牌的女运动员. 这位贝博体彩app人也是第一位获得奥运会金牌的亚裔美国女性,也是第一位获得两枚跳水金牌的美国女性.


出生在贝博体彩app, 伊莎多拉·邓肯 is often noted as the "modern mother of dance", 尽管她缺乏正规训练. 她的现代舞风格, more about free-form improvisation and artistic expression than perfect pirouettes, 这位来自贝博体彩app湾区的人以她新鲜的快乐运动赢得了全世界的粉丝群.

Dianne Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein was the longest-serving woman in the history of the U.S. 参议院. 她的政治生涯始于贝博体彩app, 在那里,她担任了该市的第一位女市长,并对该市的 缆车 系统.

Dian Fossey

著名的自然学家和自然保护主义者黛安·福西因其在非洲丛林的工作而被人们铭记, 但她的故事是从贝博体彩app开始的. 从她早期与著名人类学家路易斯·利基共事直到她英年早逝, 福西拓展了我们对大猩猩的了解, 它们复杂的社会生活, and the imminent threats they faced from human encroachment.


America's first female vice president is a Bay Area native! 在东湾出生长大后, 卡玛拉哈里斯 began her legal career here in San Francisco. She made her mark and was soon elected District Attorney, 在成功竞选加州总检察长之前,他在该市服务了8年. She was the first person of color to hold either job. 2016年,她竞选美国总统.S. 并成为第一位代表金州的有色人种女性参议员. After campaigning herself during the 2020 primaries, 卡玛拉·哈里斯被前副总统乔·拜登选为他的竞选伙伴. 其余的,正如他们所说,是历史!


出生在贝博体彩app, 湾区说唱歌手和嘻哈艺术家MicahTron通过她的语言和朗朗上口的舞曲节奏描绘了一幅美国的画面. 的固定装置 贝博体彩app骄傲节 庆祝活动, 这位公开的酷儿艺术家因为写她作为有色人种女性的经历而赢得了一群忠实的粉丝, 在贫困中长大, 以及她的性取向. Fans of any background can identify with the truth she presents in her music, 她娴熟的技巧将这些经历编织在她摇摆的节奏中.


她可能出生在奥克兰, but 雷纳尔·布鲁克斯·穆恩 will be forever associated with San Francisco. 这是因为, in addition to a long career in Bay Area radio, Renel has been the voice of Oracle Park for almost 20 years. 她是美国职业棒球大联盟中第二位担任体育场公共演讲播音员的女性. (第一? 她在巨人队的前任,雪莉·戴维斯.)

Alyssa Nakken

说到巨人队,你知道吗,这支球队也是第一支聘请女性担任教练的球队? 她本身就是一名出色的运动员, Alyssa Nakken是美国职业棒球大联盟第一位全职女教练,也是第一位在比赛中执教的教练. 她从2014年开始以实习生的身份加入巨人队多年.


她是贝博体彩app人,后来成为加州第一位女性注册建筑师, 茱莉亚•摩根's legacy lives on in a number of buildings all over the Golden State. In her career, she worked for such titans as William Randolph Hearst. 以她的名字命名的舞厅, 是她设计的, remains one of San Francisco's most coveted venues.


南希·佩洛西 represents California's 12th Congressional District, which includes most of the city of San Francisco. 直言不讳的政治家, 佩洛西是推动通过《贝博体彩》和2010年《贝博体彩》的关键代表, which helped stimulate the American economy after the 2009 recession. She was also the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House, 她曾两次当选的职位.

Shakirah Simley

夏奇拉是一名社区组织者、教育家和作家,她的工作重点是食物公平. 对于Simley, 确保平等获得优质食品可能是解决社区困境的灵丹妙药, from health issues to economic struggles to environmental conditions.

Breanna Sinclaire

Breanna Sinclaire, 受过古典训练的歌剧演唱家, 是第一个在职业体育赛事上唱国歌的变性女性吗. 她出生在巴尔的摩,但在贝博体彩app音乐学院学习并毕业. She has performed across the country, including at Carnegie Hall.

Alma de Bretteville Spreckels

Alma de Bretteville Spreckels is called the "great-grandmother of San Francisco.斯普雷克尔斯是一位慈善家,她利用自己的财富和影响力积累了美国最大的艺术收藏之一. Fun fact: she was the model for the statue atop 联合广场杜威纪念碑.


Author of the best-selling novel "The Joy Luck Club,作家谭恩美(谭恩美)在贝博体彩app的成长经历在文化交流中占有重要地位, 设置, and mother/daughter relationships found in her works. 谭还写过其他畅销小说, including "The Bonesetter's Daughter" and "The Valley of Amazement."


只要开车穿过海湾大桥, 加州大学伯克利分校 著名厨师爱丽丝·沃特斯的传奇餐厅Chez Panisse就是在这里成名的, a temple to the slow food and locally-sourced culinary movements. Her reach now extends far beyond just her kitchens. 爱丽丝的愿景是通过潘尼斯之家基金会为学童提供健康食品, 教年轻人如何成长, 收获, 烹饪, 分享食物.


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, 为巨人队加油. 
